1st Semester

2nd Semester

Welcome to the homepage of Kyle Tyson's GITA 1 second semester projects for you to look at.

Fish 2D

Date: 2/8/17

This program is an upgrade of the fish as it has a player that eats one while keeping track of stats

Tic Tac Toe

Date: 2/22/17

This program lets you play Tic-Tac-Toe with another player

Shooting Game

Date: 2/31/17

This program lets one shoot a bullet and kill the enemy while not hurting the friendly

AI Game

Date: 3/18/17

This program has AI that chases around the player and trying to kill them while you have defend yourself

Final Project

Date: 6/10/17

Play as Scooby or Shaggy as you try to run away from the traps and monsters and see how far you can go and how long